Thursday, October 29, 2009


Of course I'm scrambling to put my last minute costume together.. BUT I CAN'T WAAAAAAAAAAAAAIT!!!! The madness starts immediately tomorrow morning:

Get up, put costume together, start getting ready, pack bag for Saturday
night, go to work in costume, get off @ 1am, cab to the oh-so-dark
New City dance/goth/industrial club, meet up with the ever glittery Erin Fahey,
Dance our faces off, maybe a little afterhours in the mix, try to escape before 5am, bed, back to work @ 11:30am in costume, get off @ 7:30pm and cab to the edge of the city where all the magic
happens with my best friends :) CAN'T
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIT!!!!!! Halloweekend, I love you.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Don't go Chasin' Waterfalls

One more thing before I drift off into the earliest-to-bed since Star Trek: The Next Generation:

On Monday I decided it would be in my best interest to drink more water. So I've been forcing it down my throat every time I think about it, and it's been working. Drinking more water. What else? PEEING EVERY 3 MINUTES. Is this just something I'm going to have to get used to or does one's bladder become accustomed to more water intake, thus making me pee less? Is this just a question of bladder size? Is my bladder... small??

*runs to bathroom*

For god's sake, someone put a kink in my garden hose.

PS. Tigercity

Zwicker and quicker to bed

How much do I miss my tan right now? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Also, Zwicker is giving me an eargasm. Wigglin all around, dancing in bed.. and I can't remember the last time I was in bed before 10pm. Have I mentioned how amazing my bed is? Squishy :)

when I arrive

First. Blog. Ever. I've got a lot to say and I don't quite know how to say it all. So I'm just going to do what I do best and poop out of my mouth with words, mostly without thinking about what I'm saying. This is a documentation of things I think about, places I want to go, things I want to do.. as kind of a check list, or a reminder for myself to do them. Cause I'm going somewhere. I don't know where, but I think it's up... and when I find out who I really am, you're the first one I'm going to tell. Maybe...